The Secret to Manifest with Ease

A lot of coaches and spiritual teachers share their manifestation tips, tricks and process and I think everyone has their own spin to it. There is no right or wrong way, but some approaches may feel better to different people.

Sure you can frantically manifest. Push, force, obsess over what you want.

Or you can relax and let the unfolding be delicious, fun, and allow the manifestation to land with ease.

I have people close to me ask how do I manifest something? The process is simple, you think about what you want, let the thought go and watch how it comes to you.

You don’t strategically plan out how it will happen. That takes all the magic out of it and frankly that’s God/The Universe’s job to figure out how it will happen. Your job is just to focus on what you want and why.

All manifestation is… is thoughts turning into things. Thoughts turning into something tangible in your reality. You don’t need to overthink it.

The mindset I have that allows manifestation to be easy, relaxed and allows me to have fun in the process is remembering…

What you seek, is seeking you.

You don’t have to feel bad, guilty or greedy for wanting what you want.

You are the universe forever expanding, a fractal of a whole. You are going to keep desiring more things/experiences/growth etc. because the Universe wants to keep learning more about itself.

Every desire of yours is the universe wanting to experience more life through you. (as long as your desires aren’t hurting someone else then you’re good)

So be playful with manifesting.

Let go of figuring out how it will come to you.

Drop the guilt.

Expect to be pleasantly surprised.

I’ve been manifesting in a fun, easy, playful way and have enjoyed the unexpected ways manifestations have showed up in my life. No force required. Just ease and graciously receiving what I intended for.

Here are some examples:

The Manifestation: I wanted to move to a new apartment, close to the beach in Playa Del Carmen, pay the same amount of rent, have lots of space, big windows, and modern finishes.

How It Showed Up: I received a text from a realtor that her best friend was moving out of her loft early and needed a new tenant to take over her lease. The apartment was perfect and there was no competition since they didn’t advertise it online. And it was available right when my lease was done.

The Manifestation: I wanted to go on a trip for my 30th birthday, preferably somewhere tropical I had not been before, with girlfriends.

How It Showed Up: One of my best friends from high school (who I haven’t seen in a few years because of lock downs) texted me asking if I would be down to go to Hawaii and she knew someone’s place we could stay at. It was available the week of my birthday! Also Hawaii has been one of my top places to visit for years! So it was a perfect fit.

The Manifestation: I wanted to go on a short trip to somewhere else in Mexico since I had not left Playa Del Carmen since I moved here. I preferably wanted to go with a few friends, I was open to where we would go as long as it wasn’t too expensive and planning it was effortless.

How It Showed Up: A couple friends were talking about planning a trip to Mexico City and I said I would love to join. One friend found a cute airbnb in the best neighbourhood, flights were reasonably priced and the trip was amazing! The city had delicious food, lots of beautiful architecture and museums, we received lots of fun recommendations for things to do.

The Manifestation: Someone to look after my cat while I was travelling for a few days.

How It Showed Up: My neighbour was kind enough to look after her and now loves having her over to play with her dogs. Playdates and her cat sitting are a regular thing now.

The Manifestation: I needed a new pair of sunglasses because mine broke.

How It Showed Up: A friend of mine that was leaving PDC was getting rid of some of her stuff that didn’t fit in her luggage. Her donate pile included a gold pair of Rayban sunglasses which she gave me!

So the ease with all these manifestations happened because I knew what I wanted but didn’t obsess over it. I held the desire loosely and kind of forgot about it.

But the mindset I reinforce that helps the process feel more easy is knowing “what I seek is also seeking me.”

When I was apartment hunting I knew a landlord or previous tenant was also manifesting the perfect new tenant to move it.

When I was thinking about a birthday trip and a trip somewhere in Mexico I knew the friend/friends I was meant to go with were just as excited to go on a trip together.

When I needed a cat sitter I knew there was a cat loving person who would love some Esther cuddles while I was gone.

And I just knew I would find a pair of sunglasses I liked eventually, the fact a friend was getting rid of a pair was just a fun, unexpected way they came to me.

So keep this in mind next time you are manifesting something.

The partner you want is also excited for you to walk into their life and date you.

The job you have been dreaming of is looking for someone with your qualifications and thinks you are the perfect fit.

The house you desire is out there or being built and is looking for the perfect owner/tenant to make it their home.

For more manifestation tips download my FREE workbook below.

Download the FREE Self-Love Manifestation Formula Workbook and learn how to become the co-creator of your reality and feel unconditional self-love in the process. This workbook contains 12 pages that explain the 10 manifestation steps, fillable worksheets to help you manifest your goals and 30+ self-love affirmations to reprogram your mindset.


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