How to Honour the Different Seasons of Your Life

Humans are cyclical beings, we are always evolving and changing like nature.

Society conditions us to think we always need to be in one mode all the time which is hustling and striving towards our career and financial goals otherwise, we are considered lazy or falling behind in life.

I want to offer a different perspective and approach.

If you go full out every day of the year, you will be burnt out and exhausted most likely, and also maybe not as happy and fulfilled. Think of how much more efficient you would be if you intentionally let yourself rest and meet all your other needs.

You get to define success, and success can look however you like.

Success to me means a healthy mind and body, loving relationships, fun adventures, time for hobbies, work I enjoy, always learning and growing. I give myself grace and accept that not every season of my life will be about growing my business and “getting ahead” in life. That works really well for me.

Besides growing my business I have had so many different seasons in my life where I focused on other things such as:

  • Making new friends

  • Quality time with family

  • Dating and new romance blooming

  • Focusing on my mental health

  • Improving my physical health

  • Taking courses and trainings

  • Healing & inner work

  • Creating lots & refining my skills

  • Travel and adventure

  • Grounding and settling down in one place

  • Saving money

  • Investing in myself

  • Embodying more confidence and empowerment

  • Embodying more surrender, flow and trust

  • Partying, going out and having fun

  • Networking & going to business events

  • Just focused on surviving and getting to the next day

  • More solitude

You can relate the different seasons of your life to the different seasons in nature.

Summer: Nature in full bloom, lots of sunshine, longest days = Lots of creativity, energy, getting work done, being centre stage, full productive days 

Fall: Nature starts to die, sun loses its strength, days get shorter = Your energy is winding down, parts of you/your life that aren’t serving you die away, letting go

Winter: Death and hibernation, sun is weak and days are shortest = Conserve your energy, go inward, solitude, reflection, the void or empty space between something ending and something beginning

Spring: New birth of nature, sun is building in strength, days start to get longer = Inspiration, new projects, change is in the air, fresh start, curiosity, wanting to be around people again

All seasons are needed, there could be no Fall without Summer, no Spring without Winter.

So whichever season you are in, honour it instead of resisting.

I’m giving this advice because I definitely resisted seasons where my life felt like it was falling apart and things were slowing down. But now looking back I can see that everything that was leaving my life was not meant for me and it was clearing space for even more amazing people, places and opportunities that were aligned with my highest path.

So if you are going through that right now, know that nothing is wrong with you.

Fall and Winter can feel difficult because slowing down and letting go can be hard but I promise your season of Spring and Summer are coming.

Download the FREE Self-Love Manifestation Formula Workbook and learn how to become the co-creator of your reality and feel unconditional self-love in the process. This workbook contains 12 pages that explain the 10 manifestation steps, fillable worksheets to help you manifest your goals and 30+ self-love affirmations to reprogram your mindset.


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