How to Create a Soul Aligned Business

One of the best compliments I received from a friend was “You created a business that is an extension of you.”

First off I thought “wow that is so sweet and I feel so seen by her.” And the more I thought about it I realized that’s how all businesses should be!

I can’t imagine a CEO of a company selling a product they don’t love or use themselves. Or a coach guiding someone through a transformation they haven’t been through. Or a blogger/content creator sharing outfit inspiration they wouldn’t wear.

Maybe there are some people out there who are not in integrity with what they are selling. In that case I would say their business is not aligned with their soul.

I know some people are very focused on making as much money as possible so they will do whatever they feel they need to in order to accomplish that.

But there is another way.

I believe you can create a business solely around the things you love, enjoy spending time doing and want to share with others. AND you can do it by being completely yourself and letting your authentic self shine bright!

There are a few key steps to creating a soul aligned business.

1) Figure out the service you want to offer. To clarify what service is best for you to provide, answer these questions below.

What are you obsessed with and the majority of your conversations revolve around?

What do you love to read and learn more about?

How do you naturally help people?

What do people always come to you for advice for?

What are you passionate about?

What brings you a lot of joy?

What transformation have you gone through?

2) Determine what kind of clients need your service. To clarify your target client answer these questions below.

What specific problems do your target clients struggle with?

What are your target clients goals?

How is your service the solution to their problem?

What problems were you experiencing before your personal transformation?

3) Infuse your essence into your branding. Answer these questions below to determine your authentic brand.

List out 5-10 adjectives that describe your personality.

What colours are you drawn to?

How would you describe your style (or the style you aspire to)?

What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?

Now time to get on board with the belief that there are people out there RIGHT NOW who would pay to have their problem solved, and you have the solution to their problem. And there are certain people who are going to connect with you exactly as you are, no need to pretend to be someone you’re not.

Can you imagine creating a business where you:

Be paid to do what you love each day?

Get to positively impact people’s lives?

Work with amazing clients who adore you?

Attract your soulmate clients by being your authentic self?

This is the reality when you create a soul aligned business.

I’ve done this personally over the last 6 years. I launched my brand photography business in April 2016 and I was styling and capturing beautiful and high quality photos that showcased an entrepreneurs unique style and personality. I spent my time scouting for beautiful locations, shopping for props, creating mood boards, planning gorgeous one of a kind photo shoots, editing photos etc. I absolutely loved the work I was doing and the wonderful clients I was working with.

I also got to be my naturally positive, creative, playful, adventurous self in the process.

Now fast forward a few years later and in addition to brand photography I offer courses that teach people how to achieve the same results I created in my own life and business. I created the course The Brand Photography Method that teaches how to style & capture your own brand photo shoot. I also created Embodiment that teaches how to reprogram the limiting beliefs in your subconcious mind, heal from past emotional wounds and embody your Highest Self.

And this past year I created my 1:1 coaching package Your Radiant Life. I coach clients on a variety of subjects that I have overcome myself such as how to feel more confident, overcome the fear of being seen, love & accept their body, create a life that fulfills them and more.

I’ve always been naturally compassionate, uplifting, creative and good at helping others embrace their authenticity. I thought which services would best utilize my natural skills/qualities and what do I really enjoy doing? Photography and coaching were the perfect fit!

All my services and courses combine my knowledge from my Bachelor of Design in University when I studied Fashion Communication, my corporate experience working in Fashion Marketing, styling photoshoots for model agencies, bloggers, and entrepreneurs, my coaching certification, the various coaches, workshops and retreats I’ve attended, books I’ve read, lesson learned from running my business, working with coaching clients, and my personal life experiences.

All of me is infused into the work I do. And as you can see my business has evolved over the years to reflect the changes I’ve gone through. I never kept myself in a box, I allowed my entrepreneurial path to unfold and I’m so happy that my business feels incredibly aligned with who I am today. I feel I am doing exactly what I am meant to be doing!

If you desire to create a soul aligned business, I also coach current or aspiring entrepreneurs in the spiritual and wellness industry. In this 1:1 coaching experience you will create your dream business that allows you to be paid for sharing your unique gifts in the world and brand yourself beautifully & authentically to attract your soulmate clients. 

For more information inquire here about 1:1 coaching.


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