How To Experience More Pleasure In Your Life

North American culture has conditioned us to work extremely hard to the point of exhaustion. Then when we do have free time to enjoy life we feel burnt out and just want quick hits of dopamine (ie. getting likes on social media, eating fast food for dinner, zoning out watching TV) to satisfy us.

In today’s culture, slowing down, being present and savouring little moments of pleasure is a rare occurrence. But to me that is the art of living.

You may think our world doesn’t need more people pursuing pleasure, but what I see a world that is lacking presence and joy which would equate to experiencing more true and genuine pleasure in life.

So if you are tired of always working, hustling, and being productive instead of making time for pleasure and joy, try out these 8 ways to experience more pleasure in your life.

1. Do More of the Things That Currently Bring You Pleasure

This could be anything! Just observe what makes you happy and what things you enjoy doing. It could be laying out in the sun, cuddling your pet, going for a walk in nature, making a delicious meal, dancing, sipping a glass of wine in the evening, etc.

Once you have your list, start doing these things more often and make them a priority.

2. Notice the Physical Sensations in Your Body

If you are an over-thinker and you spend a lot of time in your mind, you need to drop down into your body and become more aware of the physical sensations. Notice the breeze on your skin, how wonderful a massage or physical touch feels, or good it feels to move your hips while dancing.

When you get out of your head and focus on the feelings in your body you become less numb and an increase of sensation leads to increase in pleasure.

3. Soften Your Body & Release Tension

People can carry so much tension in their back and shoulders (usually due to stress) so when you soften & release the tension you are allowing more pleasure into your body and can enjoy the present moment more. Incorporating an activity like yoga, stretching, foam rolling or a massage would also help release more tension from your body.

4. Breathe Deeply & Slowly

Deep breathing eases anxiety and helps you calm down. It also allows you to become more aware of your body and the various sensations, to become more present and enjoy what you are experiencing.

5. Go Slow & Savour

For example when you are eating a really delicious meal, instead of rushing through it and not being present for it, slow down and savour each bite. Really experience the various ingredients, textures and flavours. You will enjoy and get more pleasure out of whatever you are experiencing.

6. Feel Gratitude for the Pleasure You Are Currently Experiencing

The way to attract more of something is to feel gratitude for everything you already have. If you desire more pleasure, relaxation, or bliss, start appreciating and feeling grateful for all the pleasure you are currently experiencing. Write out a list of all the things you are grateful for that bring pleasure into your life and keep it somewhere in your home so you see it often to remind yourself.

7. Find Pleasure in Your Daily Activities

Fore example when I’m doing dishes, instead of viewing it as an annoying thing I have to do, I view it as a meditative activity that’s soothing and feels so satisfactory when I’m done and have a clean kitchen. If I’m going for a drive, I love the feeling of having wind blow through my hair. If I’m cooking a meal, instead of being annoyed at how hungry I am I find pleasure in preparing the food, chopping up all the ingredients, enjoying the delicious smells and the creative process of cooking.

8. Reduce or Eliminate Things That Bring You Stress

Outsource tasks like bookkeeping or managing your finances if that is a task that really stresses you out. It’s so worth it to get help with tasks that add unnecessary stress to your life instead of suffering through it and not doing a good job. Stress takes away from the pleasure in your life. Plus peace of mind is priceless!

Everyone desire to live a more enjoyable, pleasurable life. Start small, work your way up to big changes then watch your life and your energy as you approach daily activities transform.

Download the FREE Self-Love Manifestation Formula Workbook and learn how to become the co-creator of your reality and feel unconditional self-love in the process. This workbook contains 12 pages that explain the 10 manifestation steps, fillable worksheets to help you manifest your goals and 30+ self-love affirmations to reprogram your mindset.


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