10 Steps to Manifest Your Dream Life

With my Self-Love Manifestation method you will attract even more love, more adventure, more relaxation, more fulfillment, more joy and inner peace than you thought possible.

A large part of co-creating the life you dream of is raising your frequency to become an energetic match to it. You may have heard the term “raise your vibration", "raise your frequency” or “become an energetic match” what that means is you need to be in vibrational resonance with what you desire. Your thoughts, beliefs and emotions must align with the reality you desire.

One of the keys to manifesting a life beyond your wildest dreams is to love yourself deeply and feel worthy of receiving what you desire. You can still manifest without loving yourself but it will only further enhance that inner emptiness. With this method you can create the life you desire AND love yourself deeper than ever before.

1. Set Clear Intentions

You are attracting what you predominantly think about, so it’s important to have clear goals and intentions and focus on them. Do your best to not focus on what you don't want. If you think about what you want and feel good you attract that to you. If you think about what you don’t want and feel bad you also attract that to you because that is what you have tuned yourself vibrationally to be a match for.

2. Shift Through Contrast

You experience contrast so you become more clear on what you want and don’t want. Experiencing contrast is part of the manifestation process, you are doing nothing wrong, you are simply going through more experiences to give you more clarity on your true desires.

But what is important is once you know what you don’t want, do not overly focus, think or talk about it. Instead DECIDE what you do want which is usually the opposite of the contrasting experience and put your focus on that.

3. Feel Good Emotionally

It is your job to feel good! Your thoughts are emitting an electric signal out to the quantum field about what you desire to attract, the emotions you feel emit a magnetic signal which attract back people, experiences, items and opportunities that will match how you already feel. You will only attract things that will continue to make you feel how you currently feel, nothing you manifest can change how you feel.

So feeling good emotionally is helping you manifest what you desire. This is why self-love and feeling worthy are important. However this step is the opposite of what the majority of people do. They think they will feel happy, worthy, free & abundant once they receive the manifestation but it works the opposite. You must feel happy, worthy, free & abundant FIRST in order to attract something that is a vibrational match.

4. Release Negative Feeling Emotions

Now a big no-no is to bypass your emotions because you are afraid of manifesting something you don’t want, that’s not how it works. Manifestation isn't instant. You can’t fake feeling good by stuffing down your negative feeling emotions, you end up just suppressing them and they are still in your body and will affect what you manifest.

No emotions are negative, but there are certain ones that put your body into a state of stress which doesn't feel good. Such as fear, anxiety, lack, shame, guilt, grief, etc.

The more effective thing to do is acknowledge what you are feeling, physically feel the sensation in your body (maybe it is contraction in your stomach or throat, tense shoulders, a fast heart rate and tight chest) and then let the sensation move through you. Fully feel the emotion until it passes and you feel calm and neutral again.

5. Break Emotional Patterns

Another thing about feeling heavy/stressful emotions is to notice if you are getting caught up in a loop, meaning you repeatedly feel the same feelings day after day. What emotions are not just a one time feeling but have become a daily pattern?

For example if you notice the feeling of frustration or lack has become a daily pattern you must break it. Your body has become so used to the chemicals associated with that feeling you are in a way addicted to that particular emotion or chemical formula.

6. Reprogram Negative Beliefs

Just like how some of your emotions you feel repeatedly each day, your thoughts are also repetitive. We think 90% of the same thoughts as the previous day, and unfortunately the majority of those thoughts are negative ones. If a thought is repeated enough times it turns into a belief.

Once we have a belief our reticular activating system in the brain filters the information we take in to reaffirm our belief to be true. It's like seeing the world through coloured lenses, depending on your beliefs you will see the world with a certain colour. Our beliefs shape our reality so it's important that your beliefs match the reality you desire to co-create.

The 3 ways to reprogram the beliefs in your subconscious mind are through repetition, hypnosis or energy psychology such as Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping. All of these methods I teach in the course Embodiment.

7. Take Inspired Action

You don’t just sit back and do nothing, praying the universe will take care of it all. But you also aren’t going to force, push or hustle to make your manifestation happen. When you are inspired to go do something that is a clear sign for you to take action. Those action steps you take will make your manifestation happen that much sooner.

8. Surrender How It Will Happen

Let go of how, where and when your manifestation will happen. These are the details for The Universe/God to take care of. Your only job is to focus on what it is you desire to manifest, why you want it and how good it will feel.

9. Trust & Believe

Develop 100% trust and belief that the universe will deliver. If you notice yourself doubting at all that it might not happen, find people who have manifested what you want. Be around them, learn from them and normalize the feeling of having received what you desire to manifest.

10. Receive

The key to receiving is to stop thinking or obsessing about your manifestation and feel gratitude before it arrives. Feeling gratitude emits the magnetic frequency that you received something so this is the optimal emotion to focus on feeling. Live your life as if your manifestation has already arrived and watch it fall into your lap!

If you would like to save these steps to reference again & again, download my free workbook below!

Download the FREE Self-Love Manifestation Formula Workbook and learn how to become the co-creator of your reality and feel unconditional self-love in the process. This workbook contains 12 pages that explain the 10 manifestation steps, fillable worksheets to help you manifest your goals and 30+ self-love affirmations to reprogram your mindset.


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