How to Embody the Alchemist

The alchemist is the magician, the witch, the one who knows she is immensely powerful and can turn anything around.

She surrenders to chaos, accepts what life brings her but knows it is all feedback of what is happening inside of her and projecting outward.

Life is her mirror to her inner world and it is always providing her feedback and clues for what her beliefs are and the dominant frequency she holds.

The alchemist is wise, powerful, magical, brave, intuitive, has rock solid inner strength, and is calm as she handles uncertainty with grace and determination.  

The alchemist is brave, heads straight first into her wounds and painful situations she is presented because she knows she can transmute anything.

Emotional alchemy is just her way of being. She purifies all emotions through her body and heart, leans into what is present and knows it will pass and it is here to help her transform.

The alchemist knows there is great lessons and wisdom on the other side of pain and difficulty. 

The alchemist is an important archetype to embody because she uses everything thrown her way to be in her favour, turning lead into gold, pain into pleasure, and challenge into wisdom. 

How I embody the Alchemist archetype in my life:

  • Turning a worldwide pandemic and borders closing to my home country into the springboard I needed to launch me into creating my tropical oasis life in Mexico

  • Turning the feeling of being lost, confused and feeling stuck with my business into opening up to new opportunities that align with my passions and working as a marketing assistant for a manifestation coach and becoming a Guide at Mindbloom

  • Turning friendships where I did not feel seen, supported or accepted into rock solid boundaries knowing what I will and will not allow, and then meeting wonderful new friendships with women and creating lots of memories together

  • Turning feeling self conscious, shy, and critical towards my body into deeper self love and acceptance, wearing clothes I love, taking photos of myself and helping other women learn to love and accept their own bodies

  • Turning a brief relationship that did not end well into a season of intentional celibacy where I learned deeper self-love, respecting and asserting my boundaries and standards, and went on many fun, lighthearted dates in Mexico

It’s having the attitude that no matter what is thrown my way, I will turn it around into something incredible that will just add to the fullness of my life.

The alchemist willingly walks into the fire and allows herself to burn, die and be reborn and rise as the phoenix from the ashes.

She is unstoppable and indestructible, everything thrown her way makes her stronger and she knows she has God at her side to lean on for guidance and support. 

Want to know if you would benefit from embodying the Alchemist archetype more in your life? Ask yourself these questions:

Do you judge yourself for perceived negative qualities you possess?

Do you feel shame or self judgement expressing emotions such as rage, grief, fear, or jealousy?

Are on on the verge of a big transformation and need to let old parts of you go?

Are you falling into the role of the victim while experiencing a challenging situation?

Do you desire to tap into your personal power, intuition and mysticism?

If you answered yes to 3 or more of these questions then embodying the Alchemist archetype would be beneficial for you!

The benefit of embodying this Alchemist archetype is unlocking your personal power and knowing anything that gets thrown your way can be transmuted and used to create the life of your dreams.

The Alchemist is one of the five archetypes I guide my clients to embody and integrate back into their life in my 1:1 Mentorship: Artist of Life.

In 90 days you will be lovingly guided to see yourself as the visionary artist and the exquisite muse of your own breathtaking life masterpiece.

This mentorship experience is a divine blend of co-creating the life you imagined for yourself and also descending into deeper levels of self-love and wholeness.

I will guide you through 5 archetypes that we will explore in our journey together that will allow you to tap into the multi-dimensional aspects of yourself and playfully experiment with these enchanting energies.


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