5 Ways to Embody Feminine Energy

Masculine and feminine energy are two polar energies that are within everyone, regardless of biological sex. Another name for it would be yang and yin energy. We all have a mix of these two energies, and not necessarily 50/50. Masculine and feminine energy form a symbiotic relationship and we need both in our daily lives. Masculine energy is characterized by doing, achieving and is molded by logic and reason. The feminine is more intuitive, oriented towards receiving, allowing, and characterized by being.

What is feminine energy? Feminine energy is all of the nurturing traits it takes to connect to human beings in a meaningful and fulfilling way. (Source)

Feminine energy traits are: Compassion, kindness, empathy, patience, feeling emotions, intuition creativity, fluidity and receptivity.

Divine feminine energy is when someone has a healthy balance of feminine and masculine but is predominantly in their feminine energy.

Each energy can be expressed in an unhealthy or wounded way. Wounded masculine energy is lacking a healthy balance of feminine energy (or lacking heart centred emotions) and wounded feminine energy is lacking a healthy balance of masculine energy (or internal strength & resiliency). See the chart below to understand the qualities of each of these energies.

Now that you have an understanding of these different energies I will share with you 5 ways you can connect with your feminine energy.

1. Connect to Your Body

Listen to what your body is telling you. Listen to the cues such as when you need to rest, are hungry, when you are in pain, when you don’t feel comfortable around someone, etc. Often we ignore the cues our body gives us because we brush it off and think it’s not important. Or we feel pressure to work harder (ie. at the office or in the gym) and we end up pushing our bodies past their limits because we are not listening to the cues our body is sending us.

Unfortunately a lot of people are numb and disconnected to their body.

A way to counteract that is to start treating your body as a sacred temple, begin to nurture and take care of yourself.

Self care activities are not frivolous, they are good for you so you come back clearer, stronger and with more energy for everyday activities. Plus feminine energy is all about allowing, receiving and being, so start practice embodying those qualities by indulging in some much needed self care.

Some examples of self care activities that help you connect with your body and help nurture yourself are dancing, yoga, a bath, stretching, getting a massage or massaging your own body.

2. Honour Your Emotions

Feminine energy is about feeling, experiencing and embodying the full spectrum of emotions. Embodying feminine energy doesn’t mean you are happy and loving 24/7, it means in some moments feeling grief, anger, fear, desire and also peace, bliss, gratitude, awe and any other emotion you can think of.

Give yourself space to feel whatever is coming up for you, let the energy pass through your body. Remember emotions are energy in motion.

What you resist will persist, the energy will stay stuck in your body if you don’t fully feel it and allow it to flow.

So if you experienced some emotionally intense experiences previously in your life and didn’t allow yourself to fully feel and process it, those emotions could still be in your body. A present situation in your life may trigger those same old feelings out of you for you to feel, heal and release.

3. Less Force & More Surrender

When you surrender you go into a fluid, passive, receptive state which means you are embodying feminine energy.

Next time you are in a situation where you feel forced to make a decision or you must take action to make something happen try to lean back, surrender to the process unfolding and be detached from the outcome. Instead of forcing anything see what you attract instead. When you are in this surrendered and receptive state, observe what flows to you.

You may be pleasantly surprised and the outcome is better than what you were forcing to happen.

4. Tap Into Your Creativity

Creativity is a key aspect of feminine energy. When you think of the biological female body it is a vessel for creation. Women grow babies in their wombs and birth them into the world. Tapping into the energy of creation is a natural part of our essence. (note not only women/people with wombs can have feminine energy, this is just an example of how women’s bodies are designed to create/receive compared to men’s bodies which are designed to give/penetrate)

Even the process leading up to birthing a new creation is very feminine. You receive ideas or inspiration from other realms or your intuition, you enter flow state when you start creating it, then nurture your creation and continue to add to it, and finally you birth it into the world when it is complete.

What way does your soul feel called to express itself? Is it through writing, drawing, painting, singing, dancing? Or what new project are you inspired to start?

5. Open Your Heart

My last tip to embody feminine energy is to open your heart to the feelings of love, connection, empathy, unity, and compassion.

When you interact with someone ask yourself how can I empathize with them, show more love, or connect with them more deeply?

Also practice being compassionate and understanding with yourself. Can you be more kind and loving toward yourself when you are going through a tough time or in your daily life? Can you comfort your inner child?

Can you share vulnerably and authentically with people? Be open to new connections? Express how you feel about someone?

When you open your heart and feel more love you become the embodiment of love and it radiates out into the world and positively impacts all those you come in contact with. This is the beautiful power of feminine energy.

Remember a healthy balance of masculine/yang and feminine/yin energy is needed to live a harmonious life, but if you have been lacking in feminine energy try out these tips and let me know which one impacted your life the most.

Download the FREE Self-Love Manifestation Formula Workbook and learn how to become the co-creator of your reality and feel unconditional self-love in the process. This workbook contains 12 pages that explain the 10 manifestation steps, fillable worksheets to help you manifest your goals and 30+ self-love affirmations to reprogram your mindset.


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