How to Increase Your Feeling of Self Worth

When you are creating the life you desire, it’s important to have a high sense of self worth so you feel worthy and deserving of the beautiful blessings you are welcoming into your life. If you have a low sense of self worth this can lead to inaction towards your goals and an overall feeling that other people are better and more capable than you.

Just know you are already 100% worthy of the life you desire to create, there is not someone more or less worthy than you.

But if you are currently feeling stuck, not as happy or confident as you’d like to be, then try out these 4 tips below to start feeling an increase of self worth.

1. List Our All Your Strengths

Write out all of your strengths, values, and your amazing qualities.

These are things that you may overlook and not recognize as valuable but really these qualities are so so valuable!

Then look at everything you wrote down and soak in how awesome you are and acknowledge everything you bring to the table in a partnership, friendships or to a job, etc.

You are unique and these qualities make you one of a kind!

2. Change Your Perspective

Often we get hung up on our little insecurities and we think we are flawed in some way. But can you see these insecurities from another perspective?

For example if you travelled for a year and saw the gap on your resume as negative in an employer’s eyes, can you flip it to see that as an asset instead? Instead of a year you weren’t working it was a year you broadened your horizons, developed resiliency and problem solving skills and experienced new cultures. All those could be great assets to any employer!

Start doing this technique with all of your insecurities. Find the positive in each thing you are insecure about.

3. Talk To Your Inner Child

Imagine yourself as a 3 year old child, would you tell that child they aren’t worthy of love, abundance, a fulfilling career, a safe home, or loving friendships? No of course not! You would never say that to your younger self or any child.

It’s so easy to have compassion and want to uplift our younger self, but we need to have these same feelings to our adult self right now.

Talking to your inner child is a chance to practice self soothing, validating and nurturing yourself and giving yourself the love and compassion you might not have received when you were younger.

4. Derive Your Self Worth Internally

Stop putting your self worth into external things like your home, your income, your job, your relationship, how you look, your clothes, etc. and start deriving your self worth internally.

Look inward and start deriving your self worth on the type of person you are.

If you keep placing your self worth on external things your confidence and feeling of worthiness will take a hit if you were to lose something.

What if everything was stripped from you? Would you still feel like a worthy human if you had nothing and no accomplishments to fall back on?

What tip do you need to practice more to help increase your feeling of self worth?

Download the FREE Self-Love Manifestation Formula workbook and learn how to become the co-creator of your reality and feel unconditional self-love in the process. This workbook contains 12 pages that explain the 10 manifestation steps, fillable worksheets to help you manifest your goals and 30+ self-love affirmations to reprogram your mindset.


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