5 Steps to Discover Your Authentic Brand

Branding has gone hand in hand with building my photography business that I launched in 2016, and the longer I have been an entrepreneur I realize that no one should be creating a brand that is out of alignment with who they are. Yes definitely be aspirational and create a brand that you find inspiring, but also infuse yourself into it.

When you brand yourself authentically it feels like removing a mask of who you think you need to be, and instead accepting and showcasing the unique qualities of yourself through your work. Authenticity is all the rage, from raw and honest captions to un-retouched photos, and I am all for this shift! It’s way more refreshing and feels more free and vulnerable.

If you are struggling to figure out what your authentic brand is and where you fit in the vast online world, I’ve broken it down into 5 simple steps.

These steps have drastically helped me these past few years as I’ve discovered even more about myself and what my next steps forward should be as an entrepreneur. I hope you find value in them too.

1. Brand Style

What brands/bloggers/creatives are you inspired by? What about their style resonates with you and what words would you use to describe their style? This helps figure out what you are visually drawn to and how your authentic brand should look & feel.

Personally I’ve always been drawn to very colourful and feminine styles. When I was in university I used to be attracted to couture dresses and fashion magazines and loved the luxurious fabrics and glamorous art direction. Now I find myself more attracted to an earthy, ethereal style and nature influences such as crystals, flowers, beaches, palm trees, etc.

2. Brand Personality

Write out all the qualities people love about you and what you love about yourself. For myself I would say compassionate, intelligent, playful, optimistic, creative.

Also write out the qualities you think people dislike about you because these are still part of your personality, you just feel resistance sharing them publicly. My list was goofy, loud, feminine, sensitive, spiritual. I believe the most authentic brand is when your personality becomes your brand’s personality (aka your brand tone) that way you are being true to yourself!

Write out both lists because it’s important to embrace all sides of yourself. Most likely the qualities you think others dislike are because you feel shame around them from a previous hurtful memory. But when you truly start to become unapologetic and love all these fun and quirky parts of you, then you attract the right people who are the right fit for you and your brand.

3. Content

What conversation do you want to have everyday? These topics are what you are passionate about since you keep bringing them up in conversation therefore you will naturally want to write or talk about them in the content you create. My answers were spiritual growth, self development, natural wellness, authenticity, and reprogramming the subconscious mind.

Also write out all the interests you have that you think are dorky or you feel shy to share about. I believe the content that comes most natural to each of us is what we are passionate and intrigued by and that should shape what our brand is about.

I answered astrology, human design, dance, law of attraction, manifestation, inner child work, self-love, feminine energy and the subconscious mind.

Answering this question a few years ago gave me the biggest insight to how my brand and my interests didn’t line up. It then made sense why I wasn’t passionate about writing about business, photography or marketing any longer because those weren’t the conversations I was passionate about having every day.

4. Lifestyle

What do you prioritize spending money on? What do you spend time doing? The things you spend time and money on are usually what you value most. So take a look at your lifestyle and see what you spend most of your time and money on. This indicates what you find important and these things should be incorporated into your brand.

I answered wellness events/treatments, travel, business coaching, reading/learning, time with family or friends, exercising, photography and writing.

5. Ideal Client

What kind of people do you like to spend time or connect with on a personal level? This indicates who you are drawn to helping and the personality or interests of your ideal client.

When I started my business I felt so connected and inspired by fellow female entrepreneurs, so it made sense to create a business that would serve them. Now I still love to meet and work with entrepreneurs but I’m drawn to people who are also into wellness, spirituality and personal development so my ideal client has narrowed down.

Also ask yourself, what is a challenge you have overcome in your own life that you could help someone else through? This is the perfect problem for you to help your clients overcome through your services since you have first hand experience going through it.

For example I became very passionate about coaching women deepen their self love and embody feminine energy because I was doing a lot of inner work the past few years and noticed working on these areas improved every aspect of my life.

Lastly the most important part about discovering your authentic brand is to be open to it evolving with time and embrace the natural unfolding of it because you are always changing and growing.

What step did you find most helpful when figuring out your authentic brand?

Download the Free Brand Questionnaire

Do you desire clarity on your brand message, personality and aesthetic? Do you want to stand out online from other entrepreneurs in your niche and attract soulmate clients that are excited to work with you? If your answer is YES then sign up to receive the FREE Brand Questionnaire to have it sent directly to your email inbox.


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