How to Shift from Control Into Surrender & Flow

I love being an intentional creator of my reality, having a clear vision, and aligning my thoughts and emotions however I’ve adopted the mindset that I have dreams and desires for my life but ultimately I surrender my plans to God/The Universe and release control.

I trust the divine has a greater plan in store which allows me to surrender how my life will unfold.

This can sound wild, especially when things don’t go as you hoped. However a powerful belief or affirmation I have adopted that you can steal as well is “Everything is working out for me, best case scenario.”

This means when something doesn’t go according to your plan you let go of how you think things need to be and trust God/The Universe has something better in store.

Every rejection is a redirection to your highest path and what is meant for you.

Every challenge, obstacle and setback is strengthening you, tuning your frequency and adding to your embodied wisdom.

Everything you experience is preparing you to receive what your highest self truly desires.

Instead of forcing, pushing or desperately trying to make something work, exhale… let go of control.

Know that anything meant for you won’t require a tight grip. All you have to be is you to receive what is truly meant for you.

It will be aligned which means it will feel easy and effortless. Not to be confused with requiring no effort, but it will feel very natural. That’s how you know you are on the right path.

The career, relationships, home purchase, vacation (literally anything) you have to force and try really hard to make happen are most likely not the right fit, there’s something not quite clicking. Or it’s not the right time.

Every person, place, and opportunity that comes into your life is teaching you something and providing you an experience. This may be hard to hear, but most are not your final destination.

Not everything is meant to stay forever, that’s just how life is.

All you can do is enjoy what is here in the present moment, when the chapter ends gracefully let it go and know that something better is coming.

How do you know when to let go or walk away from something? Tune into your internal guidance system or your intuition. Do you get a pit in your stomach when you think of something certain in your life? Does your heart feel pulled somewhere else? Do you feel a huge weight lifted when you cut ties with that person/place/thing?

These are physical sensations I’ve felt in the past that I knew was my body/intuition trying to tell me I need to move on.

Trust your body’s intuitive wisdom. When something no longer feels good physically, mentally, emotionally - it is likely a sign to move on.

People cause a lot of their own suffering because of their attachments or their life is different than how they think it should be.

However when you let go of control, surrender your plans to the divine and trust you’re being guided to something greater than you could have predicted - life becomes more magical, synchronistic and in flow.

You shift from fear of what if this doesn’t work out to I trust everything is working out for my highest good.

Letting go of control, and being okay if things don’t go according to plan is scary for a lot of people. Myself included! But I started to realize things work out better than I could have planned when I stopped gripping so tightly to the outcome I thought I wanted.

Have a deep trust that you’re held, supported and always being guided even when life around you crumbles and everything looks like a mess.

I view the crumble as energy rearranging to match my new elevated frequency. Whatever is no longer a match has to go, it’s law. And something new that is aligned with you will take it’s place.

So even when things are falling apart, I view it as a good thing and embrace the wild, unpredictable ride!

With this mindset you shift to being your own inner source of security instead of placing your security on things outside yourself. You no longer need things to stay the same to feel secure.

To summarize the main mindset shifts required to shift from control into surrender & flow:

  1. When something doesn’t go according to your plan trust God/The Universe has something better in store.

  2. Every rejection is a redirection to your highest path and what is meant for you.

  3. Everything you experience is preparing you to receive what your highest self truly desires.

  4. Anything meant for you won’t require a tight grip.

  5. Not everything is meant to stay forever. Enjoy what is here in the present moment.

  6. When something no longer feels good physically, mentally, emotionally - it is likely a sign to move on.

  7. Reduce suffering by not being attached to anything and accept that life may be different than what you expected.

  8. When something crumbles or leaves your life, it is energy rearranging to match your new frequency.

How can you start releasing control and embrace surrender and flow more in your life?

Download the FREE Self-Love Manifestation Formula Workbook and learn how to become the co-creator of your reality and feel unconditional self-love in the process. This workbook contains 12 pages that explain the 10 manifestation steps, fillable worksheets to help you manifest your goals and 30+ self-love affirmations to reprogram your mindset.


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