5 Healthy Morning Routine Ideas

I love having a slow morning to myself and sticking to my favourite routine. Over the years I’ve learned certain practices that raise my frequency and elevate my mood which makes it easier to stay in that elevated state during the rest of my day. If you want to design the best morning routine to elevate your mood and start your day on your best foot then try out my 5 healthy morning routine ideas below.

1. Listen to a Self Hypnosis

When you are in a deep state of meditation or hypnosis, your brain waves have slowed down to be in theta state. In this state your subconscious mind is more susceptible to new information and beliefs and can form new neural pathways. Listening to a self hypnosis is an effective way to raise your vibration, visualize the future you are co-creating and reduce stress and anxiety.

Hypnosis is a trance-like mental state in which people experience increased attention, concentration, and suggestibility. While hypnosis is often described as a sleep-like state, it is better expressed as a state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and vivid fantasies. People in a hypnotic state often seem sleepy and zoned out, but in reality, they are in a state of hyper-awareness. (Source)

I have a pre-recorded self hypnosis that I listen to when I first wake up while my brain naturally passes through theta state and is more suggestible. This is a great way to harness the power of your subconscious mind first thing in the morning and implement new healthy habits into your life.

2. Feel Gratitude

I feel gratitude in a few different ways. The first way I tune into gratitude is by journalling. I write out all the things I’m currently grateful for and this gets me in a loving, grateful high vibrational state.

The second way is to do a gratitude rampage and say out loud all the things I am grateful for.

The third way is by listening to a gratitude meditation. Meditating helps me relax my mind and body, I feel more at peace afterwards and happier once my mind is refocused on the things I am grateful for.

3. Recite Positive Affirmations While Tapping

I recite affirmations while doing Emotional Freedom Technique (also known as tapping) in the morning because it feels like giving yourself a pep talk and leaves me feeling amazing while I go start my day. I also like doing this before bed because then I have new positive beliefs in my mind before I go to sleep which sink further into my subconscious mind.

4. Listen to Upbeat Music & Movement

Sometimes I’m in the mood to listen to rap music, or something fun and upbeat, or slow, sensual and feminine. It depends on my mood and how I want to feel. For movement I love dancing around my apartment especially when I clean or make breakfast. It helps me to drop down into my body and get out of my overthinking mind, and to feel sexy, juicy, sensual. I also love working out because exercise gets me in an empowered, strong state of mind while dance makes me feel playful, fun, and embodied in my feminine energy.

5. Drink Matcha

I used to drink coffee but I found it made me feel a bit anxious and wired, I didn’t like how it put stress on my adrenals and raised my cortisol. When I discovered matcha it was my secret weapon! Matcha has caffeine that increases alertness and energy, and also contains L-theanine which puts you in a relaxed and calm sate and shifts your brainwaves into alpha instead of beta. When I drink matcha I feel much more in flow, creative and have sustained energy instead of the energy spike and crash from coffee. Also matcha is detoxifying and removes heavy metals from the body. Matcha has been the perfect addition to complete my healthy morning routine.

What step would you add to this list for your ideal morning routine?

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