10 Questions to Get to Know Me

  1. What is my brand and business about? I share about a variety of topics in the content I create and the topics I coach my clients on such as feminine energy, self love, body acceptance, manifestation and creating your dream life, spirituality, healing/inner work, soulful business and authentic branding. I offer 1:1 coaching, online courses and brand photoshoots to help women and entrepreneurs in these different areas.

  2. What are my values?

    1. Love, connection & relationships

    2. Taking care of my mind, body & soul

    3. Helping people

    4. Surrounding myself with beauty & nature

    5. Being kind while be true to myself

    6. Having fun in this human experience

    7. Always learning, growing & trying new things

    8. Creative self expression

    9. Freedom

  3. How I spend my free time? I love taking classes and going to events such as salsa & bachata dance classes, ecstatic dance, sound healing & breathwork. I also enjoy relaxing activities such as reading, going to the beach, journalling, blogging & listening to podcasts. I love lifting weights or playing beach volleyball to keep active, and of course going out to dinner with friends.

  4. If I could live anywhere where would it be? Definitely somewhere tropical, with clean oceans, lots of flowers, charming town with a community of kind people. Also somewhere where I can be free and maintain the right to body autonomy. Those are the things I was looking for in a place and I ended up in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico and am so happy here! It feels like the perfect home for me.

  5. Where have I travelled to? A decent amount of places such as USA, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Iceland, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Scotland, Ireland, Italy, France, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Switzerland. My favourite places were Bali, Indonesia and Nice, France.

  6. What are my life goals?

    1. Live somewhere tropical (which I am doing now!)

    2. Be surrounded by a big community of loving girlfriends (have that and growing it)

    3. Have a partner and children

    4. Build a custom designed home somewhere in nature by the ocean and have it covered in fuschia bougainvillea (those are my favourite flowers!)

    5. Take my mom travelling around the world

    6. Write a book

    7. Help 10,000 people through my business

  7. What is my Astrological sign? I am an Aquarius Sun, Pisces Moon, Gemini Rising and Pisces Venus. Aquarius Sun is independent, a free spirit, intellectual and a humanitarian. Pisces Moon & Venus is dreamy, intuitive compassionate, romantic, & creative. Gemini Rising is curious, social, loves to learn about people. When I first learned about astrology I was shocked at how well it described me! So yes I resonate with all my signs.

  8. What was my most challenging experience? I’ve had many challenges in my life but I remember my first year of University being extremely difficult. I experienced bullying, pulled all nighters for school regularly, had issues with my boyfriend and went through a bad breakup, was homesick, struggled with anxiety and suicidal thoughts, worked my butt off in school but my GPA was 0.1 points lower than I needed to maintain my scholarship, and I had a hard time finding a part time job that summer and ended up barely working. I was really hard on myself during that time. Now looking back I have so much compassion for myself and what I was going through. I remember I threw myself into creative photography projects that summer and surprisingly that helped me heal. It was a healthy outlet for me along with exercise. This experience was back when I had no self love, no compassion towards myself, low self esteem etc. I have completely transformed since this time and this is why I know how important taking care of your mental & emotional wellbeing is and cultivating self love.

  9. Who is my role model? I have several role models, or expanders I like to call them. For business I look up to Lacy Phillips of To Be Magnetic, Amanda Frances and Melissa Wells. For relationships I look up to Aubrey & Vylana Marcus and Chelsey Huntsman & Oren Harris. For health & fitness Katya Henry is my body goals, she has incredible curves! My mom is also a big role model for me. She’s very caring, optimistic, always open to learning and improving our relationship, she accepts me as I am and has supported all my wild decisions in life (I find it rare parents do that for their kids so I’m very grateful!) She instilled amazing values in me from a young age and I got my love of travel and nature from her too. She also made some tough decisions when raising us and left my dad when he wouldn’t get help for his alcoholism. She had two raise my sibling and myself fully on her own with no financial help, while my dad got our house, savings and dog. She always told us she got the better end of the deal because she got us in the end. She models unconditional love, strength, optimism, resilience and kindness and I feel so blessed that’s who raised me!

  10. Do I see the glass as half full or half empty? I see the glass as 100% full, with half air and half water ;) I’ve trained my brain to see abundance instead of lack in my life. I’m grateful for everything I have, I am even grateful for my most difficult experiences because they shaped me into who I am and left me with valuable wisdom. And for the things I desire that are not yet present in my life, well I’m on a fun journey to manifest them! The joy is in the journey and who you become along the way :)


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