Feminine Artistry

Your online oasis to nourish your feminine essence, embody your soulful sensuality and unleash your artistic expression.

A monthly virtual group mentorship.

A community of women devoted to artistic expression, embodying their full spectrum feminine essence, going against the mainstream and instead creating life on their terms. For those who want to feel empowered, in love with their authentic expression and infuse sensuality and creativity into every area of their life.

The women empowerment movement has been focused on hustling, pushing through challenges, constantly being on the hamster wheel of self improvement and creating your own empire. It has pushed women to operate from logic, force and operate from their masculine energy.

And I know how this drains the joy and vitality from women and disconnects them from their feminine power because I have been there myself.

Hi Gorgeous! I’m Jessica.

In my early twenties I suffered from anxiety, perfectionism, panic attacks and chronically overworked myself. I was balancing University classes, studying, working at a restaurant, interning at a fashion company, maintaining relationships and a workout routine.

I would wake up exhausted, fuel up on coffee to have energy to get through the day then hustle all day, bouncing from classes, to studying, to work, until I went to bed. Then would wake up and repeat the same stressful routine.

I felt pressure to get high grades, save money and improve how my body looked. I derived my sense of self worth from how much I achieved yet I never felt good enough no matter what I accomplished. Looking back on that time I understand why I had anxiety. I put so much pressure on myself, was my own worst critic and I did not prioritize rest or joy at all.

I was not aware of my intuition back then and felt very disconnected to my feminine energy. I didn’t even know what these terms were at the time. Safe to say self-love, ease, and playfulness were not something I felt in my daily life.

When I was 24 I meditated for the first time, went through my first spiritual awakening later that year, and my life changed drastically from that moment forward.

I quit an unfulfilling corporate job to become a brand photographer and coach. I traveled to 15 countries and photographed female entrepreneurs all over the world. I volunteered in an Eco-Community in Costa Rica and dove into my own healing journey with somatic practitioners and plant medicine. I booked a trip to Mexico in 2021 and after I kept extending it I eventually moved to Mexico full time and got my temporary residency.

I went on a personal journey learning about self-love, self worth, feminine energy, designing a life I loved and reconnecting to my soul essence. All of the lessons I went through are what inspired me to create the Feminine Artistry Membership.

Does this sound like you? You desire to:

  • Break out of your ordinary routine and infuse more creativity, beauty and pleasure into your life

  • Stop hustling & working all the time and instead slow down and embody your magnetic feminine energy

  • Accept all parts of yourself and radiate with self-love

  • Release shame and fear around embodying your sensuality

  • To no longer judge and hide your body but instead appreciate your body, adorn it and dress beautifully

  • Connect to your intuition and follow the guidance that flows through instead of listening to the opinions of others

  • Confidently set boundaries, know your worth and stop people pleasing

  • Feel less anxiety and instead feel more calmness and inner peace

  • Stop patterns of procrastinating and feel empowered to take action and create the life you have been dreaming of

  • Make decisions aligned with your authenticity and express your unique soul essence

  • Be kinder to yourself and release self critical thoughts

  • Feel more joy, confidence and gratitude each day and make your life a work of art

If you answered YES to 3 or more, then you’re in the right place!