Feeling the Frequency of Abundance

While I was visiting Hawaii I felt like I was soaking up the energy of abundance all around me. I was vibrating at that frequency, which was a new feeling for me.

I was lucky enough to receive several abundant experiences while on this trip such as beautiful and free accommodations, a private helicopter tour and to top it off I received a flight credit because of a rerouting situation!

Not to mention Hawaii was bountiful and had an abundance of lush nature. Just being on the island helped me soak up this new frequency.

Abundance is not a feeling that has come naturally to me, actually quite the opposite.

I grew up feeling guilty receiving, was told to save as much money as possible, money is tight and to be frugal when spending. I felt like I had barely just enough, not an abundance by any means.

I used to think the word abundance only implied having plenty of money, but I realize it’s much greater than that.

Abundance means a very large quantity of something or having more than you need.

Some examples:

The tropical island boasts an abundance of wildlife.

The city has fine restaurants in abundance.

That was an abundant harvest.

The flowers grew in great abundance.

Yes abundance can relate to wealth and having a lot of money, but an abundant life goes beyond that.

An abundant life means your life has plenty of the things you desire. It is abounding in fullness, joy, prosperity, purpose, fulfillment, love and more.

The opposite of abundance would be feelings of lack, emptiness and dissatisfaction. A person that feels this way may seek to change their life and fill it with things they believe are missing.

Those living an abundant life and have an abundance mindset believe there is plenty of everything in the world from resources, love, relationships, wealth and opportunities. They believe they can afford what they want in life and affirm it with their words and actions. They think positively, are generous and have the central belief that there's enough out there for everyone.

My trip to Hawaii was abundant with beauty, luxury, adventure, relaxation, delicious food, laughter, nature and more. I felt like I experienced abundance in so many different ways, the whole experience was expansive for me.

Here are some of my tips to start tapping into the frequency of abundance:

1. Feel gratitude and appreciation for what you already have. When you feel grateful and appreciative, everything in your life feels like more than enough because you are appreciative of all the things you do have and you don't feel the desire for more. When you feel like you have enough or even an overflow, that feeling is ABUNDANCE!

On this trip I was constantly saying thank you to God for this experience and those around me that graciously shared their abundance with me. I was in a constant state of deep embodied gratitude.

2. Receive with joy. Remind yourself how good it feels to give, so receive with gratitude and joy and allow the giver the chance to feel good about sharing their abundance with you. You don’t need to feel guilty when you receive because it doesn’t mean you are taking away anything from the giver.

I realize it’s not very fun to give to someone who feels guilty or ashamed to receive, and that it’s way more fun and satisfying to give when someone is excited and appreciative.

3. Practice giving and spreading abundance. Start in small ways that feel good and comfortable to you like giving away some belongings you no longer need, making dinner for a friend or tipping more at a restaurant. Remember abundance feels best when shared! Food tastes better, experiences are more fun, everyone involved wins.

Anytime I felt some lack or contraction in my body I breathed into it and reminded myself abundance is best when shared and to relax more. It’s okay to spend and it’s a good thing to give.

Overall I would say the feeling of abundance felt light, carefree, appreciative, it felt like fullness, expansiveness and ease. My goal is to do my best to tap into this energy more often now that I’m back from my trip and in the flow of my day to day life.

What experiences helped you tap into the frequency of abundance?


Co-Creating Life With God


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