6 Steps to Get Rid of Your Limiting Beliefs

Firstly a belief is just a thought you think repeatedly until you view it as true. That’s all it is. Everyone has positive beliefs that empower them to live the life they desire, and people also have negative or limiting beliefs that act as roadblocks to achieving what they desire.

A limiting belief is a thought you keep thinking that is stopping you from getting or doing something that you want.

I want to share a very straightforward way to get rid of limiting beliefs. I've used these 6 steps to tackle some of my beliefs in the past and still use these strategies to work through any current negative thoughts I have.

So let’s dive into this process!

1. Write Out Your Negative Beliefs

Write out the negative belief you have, verbalize it, and accept it’s a fear of yours. Just saying it out loud will help you realize what’s holding you back. Anytime I feel stuck I think to myself “what’s stopping me?”

2. Determine What Instilled These Beliefs

We are influenced by many things, but mainly people. News, media, friends, colleagues, and family all heavily influence what we believe to be true.

Sometimes our deepest fears are from traumatic encounters, childhood memories and other peoples fears projected onto us. The next step to get rid of your limiting beliefs is to find out the source of them.

3. Determine Your New Positive Beliefs

Okay now for the happy part of this process! What new belief do you want to believe? Yes you get to decide.

I usually write out the opposite of what my negative belief was. And if it feels good when I speak it out loud then I know I’m on the right track.

4. Look For Evidence

It may take time for these new beliefs to sink in. A way to speed it up is to look for evidence they are true.

Find role models that fit these new beliefs you want to adapt.

These people prove that your new beliefs are indeed true. If they can do it, so can you! Now time for you to do some research, find people who have overcome your fears and limiting beliefs to look up to as role models!

5. Think of the Worst Case & How You Will Overcome It

This may sound counter productive, but when you finally come to terms with what the absolute worst case scenario is, you realize “I’ll still be okay if that happens.”

Most of the time the worst possible outcome isn't actually that bad.

6. Recite Affirmations

I talked briefly about affirmations in my blog post 5 Healthy Morning Routine Ideas. I’m including this as a crucial step because affirmations rewire how your brain thinks!

Some may see it as stating a lie, but I see it as stating what you know can be true.

When you say a statement over and over again it sends a very clear signal to your Reticular Activating System (part of your brain that filters the information we are exposed to everyday) that this is important to you.

Here is an excerpt that explains how affirmations work:

"The other way affirmations work is that they create a dynamic tension in our beings. If what I am saying is at a higher vibration that what I perceive the truth to be, the dynamic tension is uncomfortable. For instance, if I am saying “I am joyfully and healthfully at my ideal weight” when in actuality I am 10, 20, 30+ pounds above my ideal weight, a painful incongruence is felt between what I perceive the truth to be and what I am saying. Since this is uncomfortable, we want to rid ourselves of the tension. There are only two ways to do that: one is to stop saying the affirmation; the other is to raise the bar on reality by making the affirmation and reality match." (Source)

Here are a few general affirmations that I love:

·      Everything always works out for me

·      Joy is my natural state of being

·      I am the creator of my reality

·      Money flows to me easily

·      I am surrounded by love

You can get more specific and I encourage you to write out your own affirmations custom to your life goals.


Now that you’ve done all these steps you might have to revisit them now and again. Sometimes I return to negative thinking patterns, but it helps to go through these steps again periodically. Then eventually these new ways of thinking become habitual and how you think naturally.

Lastly when you see people around you achieving and living in accordance with your new belief, applaud them because even if you aren’t quite there yet, it’s reaffirming what you want is possible!

My online course Embodiment is a great next step on your personal development & spiritual growth journey. This course teaches you how to change at the identity level, you will be shifting your beliefs and emotions to be aligned with your Highest Self in order to create your most happy and fulfilling life.

This course is about personal transformation.

Engraining new positive beliefs in your subconscious mind.

Repeatedly feeling the emotions of your future self. 

Becoming clear on your goals and what your most happy and fulfilling life looks like.

I keep coming back to these same concepts and apply them to my life again and again.

Read more about Embodiment and enroll here.

Download the FREE Self-Love Manifestation Formula Workbook and learn how to become the co-creator of your reality and feel unconditional self-love in the process. This workbook contains 12 pages that explain the 10 manifestation steps, fillable worksheets to help you manifest your goals and 30+ self-love affirmations to reprogram your mindset.


How to Embody Your Inner Child


Living Aligned To Your Values